Urb. Quinta Jardin A 288, Cusco
51 - 84 - 243967 / 984 315182
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This hike is a personal path of internalization can create the bridge that connects the human being with his own sacred space, your inner teacher and the great spirit of nature. Shamanic circles are ritual ceremonies group nature where are implemented shamanic chants, sounds, visualizations, meditations, breathing, dancing, cleaning, energy healing and essential shamanic art.
  • imagen-ceremonia

The purpose of shamanic circles is to enrich the quality of life with activities that enhance creativity, tact and personal intuition. After forming the circle shamanic journeying accompanied by chants, drums, rattles, dances, advanced breathing techniques, dances, etc. starts

Each person must make their own shamanic journey of rediscovery of the essence of life; this implies some degree of involvement and conviction to explore aspects that one way or another mobilize his spiritual awakening.

The time it takes to open, develop activities and close the group shamanic circle is 5 hours may be extended over time depending on group size.

It is an enriching experience for the body, mind and spirit. For those who have already participated in sessions with master plants you can connect and continue their work of inner exploration. Experience shows that when the spirit of the plant is dormant in one visionary nature can be reactivated with regular jobs.


Shamanism Peru - Spiritual Journeys