Urb. Quinta Jardin A 288, Cusco
51 - 84 - 243967 / 984 315182
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Music Therapy Session

  • imagen-ceremonia

All things in the universe, including the human body, are in a constant state of vibration. Each object or living being has its own vital frequency, unique and harmonic and smaller frequency changes can even affect the internal organs.
In many cases due to psychological or emotional problems, specific imbalances occur when not solved and become chronic, creating a vicious cycle that produces depression, stress, fatigue even physical conditions of varying severity.
These imbalances can be reset with an inside job of maturation and growth that can be supported and stimulated by different types of alternative therapies, being of the most effective, sound and vibration that produce special instruments as Tibetan bowls and bells, Harmonizers, tuning forks, didgeridoos and especially Quartz Bowls.


Shamanism Peru - Spiritual Journeys